I’m Lisa Long
Professional Psychic
Spiritual High LEVEL
Business Coach & Master Teacher
Helping You Find and Follow Your Own Path
Embody Your Light. Live Your Brilliance!
High-Level Coaching
Master psychic Lisa helps you find and follow your own life path with more flow and fun. When you are clear and align with your Souls purpose, life flows with fun!
High-Level Career & Business Coaching
What do you really want to do?
Create your own successful career and thrive!
When you are aligned with your soul desires, life is easier and much more fun!
Business Coaching
Professional Entrepreneur and Business Coaching. Create the best business for you!
Dream Setting
Celebrate reaching your targets on the way to your dreams.
Relationship Coaching
The best relationship is with yourself, then your other relationships transform.
Resistance Relief
Move out of what is stopping you so you flow toward what you desire.
Helping You Achieve Success
Unlock Your Full Potential
Are you ready to expand to the amazing life you have created for yourself?
Say Hello to the NEW YOU!
First we find what you truly desire in your life.
Then we focus on the steps to get you there.
Each week we move you closer to your dreams.
If you get stuck along the way, we clear those blocks.
We focus on the easiest path to keep you moving forward.
Helping You Find Success
Do You Feel Like It’s Time to Make a Change In Your Life?
But You Can’t Seem to Find a Way?
Master Psychic and Spiritual High-Level Coach Lisa Long can help.
She has helped over 10 thousand people move their minds to a higher level and find the easiest path to their dreams
Are you willing to go for what you desire?
Why Psychic Coaching?
Learn The Secrets Of One Of The World’s Most Successful Master Psychic Coaches
Get leading-edge mind-shift strategies to reprogram your beliefs and recreate yourself and your life to one of health, ease, prosperity, and joy!
Lisa can see the limited beliefs in your way.
She will ask you if you would like to keep them or let them go.
The choice is always yours.
Work together to set new intentions for your life.
Are you willing to move toward your dreams?
Clear those pesky limited beliefs.
She helps you and gives you simple tools you can use everyday to move toward your desires.
Would you like a Master Psychic Coach in your corner?
Create and manifest your dreams now.
We are here to enjoy Life. Are you willing?
Let Lisa help you get there!

Meet Lisa Long
Master Psychic Spiritual High-Level Business Coach Lisa chose an abusive childhood and as she transcended those unconsciousness levels she vowed to make it easier for others. Lisa has two degrees; A.A. B.A., and a Private Pilots License. She is an award-winning artist and designer. She lives in Longmont, CO. Lisa Long has worked remotely with clients in the White House Press Room, United Nations, Air Force Two. Her mission is to bring awakening concepts to the world thru her extensive work. Lisa Long was personally mentored and trained in the arts of psychic reading and healing by the great awakened master Michael McAvoy. They both started World Psychics together and helped people remotely all over the world.Love Note From Jean Houston
“Lisa is a Wizard of the Collective Unconscious!”
~Love, Jean Houston
“I remember the very first energy clearing had from Master Psychic Coach Lisa Long some 14-15 years ago. The energy was like standing next to high voltage energy and that was long distance over the telephone from Hawaii to Montana. Imagine now. Wow.”
Kathleen Brooks, Big Island, Hawaii, US
“The first time I talked to Psychic Lisa, she changed my life. Wanting to know a future with a current boyfriend, she helped me understand he would never commit. Instead, she said there was another man who would come into my life if I was open to it. I was, he did, and now I married him thanks to Lisa.“
Monica, Oregon, US
“As a result of Master Lisa’s work, the issues that were bothering me so deeply and every day are now not bothering me at all. It feels so satisfying not to argue in the mind again. I am still so amazed at this meeting the universe had arranged between Lisa and myself. Such a huge positive shift in my life.“
Alina Salnikova, London, United Kingdom
The Enlightened Life Group

Enlightened Life Academy
If you would like to enjoy my Classes, Enlightened Life Academy has my Masters Classes.

Enlightened Life Entertainment
5 Steps to Meditation and Be Meditating in 5 Minutes.

Enlightened Life Products
Visit my Enlightened Life site to purchase beautiful clothings and furnishings.
Find Your Alignment. Focus on Your Dreams.
Flow Forward. Reward Yourself.
You are never too old to go for your Dreams!
Master Psychic and Spiritual High-Performance Coach Lisa Long answers questions to humanities ever-present search for enlightenment, wisdom, and joy.
She helps you understand the meaning to life’s most profound questions.