This will help you Co-Create your preferred reality.
In order to Co-Create “Heaven on Earth” in YOUR UNIVERSE – YOU-NIVERSE… you need to FILTER your Reality.
Only include in YOUR FOCUS.. things you want to include in your version of Heaven on Earth. Filter your TV, your newspaper reading, your friends and your facebook friends… if they post negative stuff, check to see “only important” (so they continue to see your positive posts) or unfriend them.
This is the way reality is co-created with Source.
If you focus on what you DON’T want, you empower it into your YOU-NIVERSE, then you wonder why there is so much “bad” stuff. It is because YOU are requesting it from the Universe. You are ordering more of it by focusing on it.
If we turn away from it.. it looses the power we were giving it, and it fades out of our universes. It still exists, it just does not enter into your experience.
Universe.. YOUR-UNIVERSE.. YOUR YOU-NIVERSE, is your INSIDE reflected OUTSIDE in your WORLD.. an INVERSE (NIVERSE) IN-NI version of YOU.
U-INVERSE. or YOU INVERSE. You reflected back to You.
Change your INNER to change your LIFE.
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