The Flow, Following Spirit, In The Votex, On The Grid, What Feels Lighter is True for You, Ask and Receive, Law of Attraction, Follow Your Spirit

A few days ago, I kept following “what feels lighter” (as taught by ) something I have always done, but explained by them in a very simple manner. Somehow it CLICKED, it all came together in my mind with “Follow Your Spirit”, “In The Flow” and “In The Vortex”.

I was in Albertson’s, a store I rarely visit, and as I moved toward checkout I heard/felt, “you are not done yet, one more thing to do”. I turned toward the produce section and thought, “yes, organic vegetables are this way, maybe I am suppose to get something?” Although I had just brought tons of vegetables at the Coop.

As I moved in the produce direction “I” felt lighter so I knew I was on my path. I walked thru the produce isles feeling my way for what felt lighter, “No, not apples.” “No, not avocados, I have tons of those”. Then moving over to next isle feeling, “No, wrong way, it’s behind me.” Okay. I turned around, flowing, hum.. “Donuts? Really?” I asked in my mind. I turned away left and it felt heaver. I turned away toward the right and it felt heaver. “Okay. It is right here. Donuts”. LOL

“The Universe wants me to have a Donut? How nice. I can do that.”

Then I remembered last week, I thought “Boy, I have not had good a donut for a long time. I would like a donut”.

And there I was now standing in front of the donuts.

I brought 2. I had no resistance to donuts so I flowed right over to them. I thanked the Universe for the donuts and I thanked the Universe for this conscious understanding of how the Universe works.

I was not in front of donuts because of some random chance of the Universe. I was in front of donuts because I “put my order in” to the Universe. “This is what I would like. This would be nice.” Not, “I have to have a donut” or “I would like a donut, but I don’t deserve a donut”. That would slow or stop the flow.

I just thought simply. “I would like a donut.” And there they were.

That is living in flow… so cool. I will teach you more about flow as it comes to me. I used to call it, “following spirit” as taught by the “Et’s of Sedona”. They sold one of my favorite books, “ET 101”. I suggest you get a copy if you can find one. Anyway, “Following Spirit” is more commonly referred as in “The Flow or Flowing”. And it feels like flowing and “Life Just Flows”. I live in the flow and it is so Divine.

It is also referred to as “Aligning with Spirit or The Path”, and “In the Vortex” and “On The Grid” as taught by Abraham-Hicks. All these concepts are trying to convey that simple act of flowing to something like finding a donut. That is the Universe giving you what you ask for, in every moment.

I woke up to the fact (became conscious of my request earlier) that I asked the Universe for a donut and here it was. “Ask and Yea Shall Receive.” No judgement, no, “but they are fattening”. Nothing like that.

It is sort of like following a guide dog. “Take me here Puppy”. The puppy just puts his noise down and goes to where you have requested. That is what following the flow is. You ask for what you want and the Universe “Lights” the way there.

“Take me here Universe”. The Universe Answers. Then you “Follow the Flow” of what is LIGHTER to what you want. You follow the trail of Light set out for you by YOU on a higher level. No pushing against, no struggle. Just flowing to more and more of what you are asking for in your life.

Lucky for us… our Higher Self is holding the positive end of the Flow for Us, or as Abraham-Hicks teaches, “the positive end of the stick”. So even if we are holding the “struggle” side through our words, thoughts and actions, Source is holding the LOVE, EASE and FLOW side and saying.. “Flow this way, flow is this way. Flow is easy and light. Flow is fun. Flow is LOVE. Flow is Happy. We are happy in our flow.”

Time to release struggle, don’t you think? Time to flow.

This is the answer to every question you will ever have. “You asked. Now you are receiving. What are you asking for?”

Lisa Long


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